RIAH, established by the globally renowned hairdresser Kenneth Siu, embodies a fusion of cultures, reflecting Siu's unique background as a Hong Kong-born Australian. At the heart of RIAH's philosophy lies the 'Super Cut' concept, a groundbreaking approach pioneered by Siu to inspire his team to push the boundaries of hairstyling.
Departing from conventional methods, Siu encourages his students to embrace innovation and risk-taking. He believes that facing and overcoming failure is not just a part of the learning process, but a vital step towards achieving extraordinary success in their careers and beyond.
Under Kenneth Siu's mentorship, hundreds of students have honed their skills through the 'Super Cut' technique, which has significantly uplifted their professional and personal lives. Kenneth meticulously selects each member of the RIAH team, ensuring a deep alignment with the salon's values and vision.
This selective process has cultivated a strong culture within RIAH, characterised by a unique and human-centric approach to customer service. This culture not only keeps the team attuned to global trends but also enables them to offer thoughtful, personalised advice to each customer, maintaining RIAH's relevance and excellence in the ever-evolving world of hairstyling.